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17 Responses to “Tip Jar”

  1. 1 Matthew Harrington 28 March 2010 at 11:46 pm


    Although I doubt that I can persuade you, I think it is necessary to at least make the argument that the presence of an answer key to H&Q Greek on the web does great harm to the process of Greek education. The text does not include such a key for the critical reason that finding the answers without a guide is the only way to benefit fully from the provided exercises. As in the case of poor students leeching off of the work ethic and intellect of better students, a key is effectively a form of cheating that cripples a student’s progress with Greek. There are other texts that might serve those who wish to learn outside of formal instruction, and there are other ways for such learners to check their answers cooperatively. Please do not compromise this excellent text by creating a key.

    Thank you for your consideration

    • 2 Richard Barrett 29 March 2010 at 7:14 am

      I understand where you’re coming from, but I don’t agree for three reasons.

      1) If you’re an autodidact, then without a key you’re going to be lost. I’ve heard this from a number of people working through the book on their own.

      2) Related to this, if you take a look at what I’ve put together, what I’m doing isn’t just a list of answers. If that were what I’m doing, then maybe I’d agree with you. Rather, I’m doing something more comprehensive (which is part of why it’s taking me so long AND why I’ve resisted requests to speed up the availability of answers by doing the notes later), kind of a “how to get the most out of Hansen & Quinn” companion volume.

      3) There’s a virtual cottage industry out there of such companion volumes for Wheelock’s, and I don’t think it’s diminished Wheelock’s effectiveness. I’m trying only to provide for the Greek student a tiny fraction of the resources available for the Latin student.

      Thank you for your feedback nonetheless!

  2. 3 Benna 10 April 2010 at 5:42 pm

    Response to Matthew:

    First, this text is not one widely used in academic setting. It is used for summer courses. Usually, professors go with much simpler texts which take longer. Of course it’s used in some places, but it is not set up for lengthy semesters. It is “intensive.”

    Second, Wheelock’s Latin, as Robert mentioned, IS standard fare. It is in almost any academic setting that offers Latin. And the publishers have made every effort to make their key avaialable to all. Latin students have not suffered at all- quite to the contrary. They can check their work and master the language.

    Mastronarde also has a key as does Athenaze, Machen, and most others.

    The bottom line is that generally, those who are interested in Latin and Greek – really and truly interested- are folks who WANT TO MASTER IT. It is a love affair for many of us and many, even those of use who have taken it in university, find it is an endless language. Four years is not enough. So many of us must continue on our own.

    This is where answer keys are crucial. We can’t clip access to this beautiful language just because there may be a few students out there who want to cheat.

    Besides, I would contend that it is IMPOSSIBLE to cheat in either language. The idea that you could cheat on a Greek test is actually so absurd it’s funny. On a test, if you do not KNOW the difference between a present future indicative, a subjunctive aorist, or a present optative……I don’t care how many times you copied it from a “key,” for a few homework pages, you will not be able to recall unless you know the material.

    • 4 Richard Barrett 10 April 2010 at 6:55 pm

      I will note Indiana University’s Classical Studies department uses Hansen and Quinn as its first year textbook. They have been known to use Mastronarde, but the current batch of teachers really grooves on Hardy and Gerry. Incidentally, I’ve never heard it stated outright, but I think that H&Q uses Moreland and Fleischer’s Latin: An Intensive Course (University of California Press, 1977) as a model — it’s certainly structured very similarly, and Gerald Quinn is thanked in the acknowledgments. Like H&Q, there is no answer key or teacher’s manual of which I’m aware — I sometimes wonder if such books wouldn’t gain greater acceptance as standard texts if such tools were available.

      (And just so you’re aware, my name is “Richard,” not “Robert” — but that’s a common mistake! “Christopher” is another common mixup. Couldn’t tell you why on either count, but there we are.)

  3. 5 alex 25 September 2010 at 5:03 pm

    Just a little contribution for your work gone into your tip jar.


  4. 7 hundertwasser 8 January 2012 at 10:43 pm

    nice post!
    i cant share this link : https://leitourgeia.wordpress.com/tip-jar
    am i doing it wrong ?

  5. 8 Dou 15 January 2013 at 2:40 pm

    Ready, and willing to donate, for chapter 7. If you have the files send them to DouKroGreek@gmail.com so I can check my work. Anyone interested in generating a key?

  6. 9 Jay 20 June 2013 at 1:51 pm

    I appreciate your work and your humor on the H & Q notes and answer key! Keep up the good work.

  7. 10 Karen Alvstad 14 June 2014 at 8:05 pm

    I read the first part of your blog with great interest. I have lived in Barrett, MN nearly all my life, as did my dad who died in 2011 at age 96. He was a historian of our town and wrote two books about our history, published only locally, but I have a couple copies. I am the overall chair person of the Old Settler’s Reunion which is next week-end, June 18-22. Friday and Saturday are the main activities. Your cousin, or is she your sister, Julie Jalone, is planning to attend from California. We are excited to meet her. I’m sorry nothing was going on the evening you were in town. I would have loved to show you around. My husband was mayor for a number of years and is great to greet visitors.

    • 11 Richard Barrett 30 June 2014 at 5:00 pm

      Hi Karen! Nice to hear from you. Julie’s my cousin, and she told me that she was going there — I sent her a number of things that I had about Theodore and the town. If I’m ever back that way, I’ll get in touch!

  1. 1 Resituation of Tip Jar « Leitourgeia kai Qurbana: Contra den Zeitgeist Trackback on 19 January 2010 at 9:37 pm
  2. 2 Just a bit more about Orthodox Hoosiers and Friends of Music at All SaintsAsI’ « Leitourgeia kai Qurbana: Contra den Zeitgeist Trackback on 31 January 2010 at 12:17 am
  3. 3 In case you’ve been wondering what to get me as a gift… « Leitourgeia kai Qurbana: Contra den Zeitgeist Trackback on 13 July 2010 at 11:15 pm
  4. 4 My first grown-up conference « Leitourgeia kai Qurbana: Contra den Zeitgeist Trackback on 6 May 2011 at 11:09 pm
  5. 5 Need last-minute gift ideas? | Leitourgeia kai Qurbana: Contra den Zeitgeist Trackback on 23 December 2013 at 2:09 am
  6. 6 This year’s gift ideas | Leitourgeia kai Qurbana: Contra den Zeitgeist Trackback on 17 December 2014 at 7:01 pm

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